The Hellenic Adult Education Association is happy to announce its second webinar with Ted Fleming, titled “Recognition in Transformative Learning: Where the personal and political meet”. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, 3rd May, from 18.00-20.00 Greek time. 

Ted Fleming, Emeritus Professor of Adult Education at Maynooth University, Ireland, and adjunct Associate Professor of Adult Education at Teachers College Columbia, will present his ideas and will have the opportunity to discuss with the participants about the following issues:

  • The importance and meaning of recognition;
  • Why study Honneth and his critical theory;
  • What Honneth says about recognition – connecting the individual and social, a lifelong pursuit of recognition;
  • The importance and implications for adult education and Transformative Learning.

In collaboration with the participants, questions will be addressed as a trigger for discussion on the issues at hand. Ted Fleming will present his perspective and discussion will follow. 

Alexis Kokkos, Emeritus Professor of Adult Education at the Hellenic Open University, will be the facilitator. 

We will host the event in a zoom platform and a parallel translation will be available for all participants. 
Only participants who have registered for the event will be able to take part.
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